How Can I Tell If A Gold Piece Is Real Gold Or Plated?

I’m sure you’ve wondered at least once whether a gold piece you own is real gold or just plated. It can be quite tricky to determine the authenticity of gold, but don’t worry, I’ve got some helpful information for you in this article!

In the following paragraphs, I’ll share some key indicators that can help you determine whether a gold piece is real or plated. It’s important to know what to look for in order to make informed decisions when buying or selling gold jewelry or coins. So, stay tuned to learn more about this fascinating topic! If you have ever bought or inherited a piece of gold jewelry, you may have wondered whether it is made of real gold or if it is plated with gold. Being able to determine the authenticity of your gold piece is important to know its true value and quality. Luckily, there are several physical characteristics and testing methods that can help you determine whether your gold piece is real gold or just plated. In this article, we will explore these methods and provide you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Physical Characteristics of Gold


One of the most distinct physical characteristics of gold is its color. Pure gold, often referred to as 24 karat gold, has a bright yellow color. It is important to note that other types of gold, such as 18 karat or 14 karat gold, may have a slightly different hue due to the presence of other metals. However, if the gold piece you are examining has a color that is significantly different from yellow or if it has a dull appearance, it is likely not made of real gold.


Gold is a dense metal, meaning it has a high mass-to-volume ratio. One way to test the density of a gold piece is by comparing its weight to its size. Real gold will feel heavier than other metals of the same size. Additionally, you can use a density test kit to measure the specific gravity of the gold piece. If the specific gravity falls within a specific range (usually between 17-19), it is a good indication that the piece is made of real gold.


Another characteristic of gold is its malleability, which refers to its ability to be hammered or shaped without breaking. Real gold is highly malleable and can be easily molded into different shapes and designs. You can perform a simple malleability test by gently pressing the gold piece with a hard object, such as a coin or a spoon. If the gold easily bends or leaves a mark, it is likely made of real gold. However, if it breaks or shows signs of being brittle, it may be plated with gold.


Similar to malleability, gold is also highly ductile, meaning it can be stretched into thin wires without breaking. You can perform a ductility test by gently pulling on a small portion of the gold piece. If it stretches easily and does not break, it is a good indication that it is made of real gold. However, if it breaks or shows signs of being brittle, it may be plated with gold.

Appearance of Plated Gold

Color Variations

Plated gold, also known as gold-filled or gold-plated, is made by bonding a layer of gold onto a base metal. This layer of gold can vary in thickness, typically ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 microns. Over time, the gold layer may wear off, exposing the base metal underneath. This can result in color variations, as the underlying metal may have a different color or tone. If you notice any areas on the gold piece where the color appears to be fading or where the base metal is visible, it is a sign that the piece may be plated.

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Wear Off Test

To determine if a gold piece is plated, you can perform a wear-off test. Take a clean white cloth or tissue and rub it against the surface of the gold piece. If you notice any black or green marks on the cloth, it indicates that the gold layer is wearing off and the base metal is being exposed. This is a clear indication that the piece is plated and not made of solid gold.

Scratch Test

Another test you can perform to determine if a gold piece is plated is a scratch test. Take a small, inconspicuous area of the gold piece and carefully scratch it with a sharp object, such as a pin or a knife. If the scratch reveals a different color or if it appears to be a base metal underneath, it suggests that the gold layer is not of high quality and the piece may be plated.

Magnifying Glass Examination

Using a magnifying glass or a jeweler’s loupe, you can closely examine the surface of the gold piece for any signs of plating. Look for areas where the gold layer may be chipped or scraped off, revealing the underlying metal. Additionally, check for any inconsistencies in the texture or color of the gold layer, as this can be an indication of plating.

Use of Acid Tests

Acid Testing Kit

One of the most common methods used to determine the authenticity of gold is the acid testing kit. This kit typically includes a set of acids with different concentrations, each capable of reacting differently with various metals. To perform the acid test, you need to apply a small amount of acid to an inconspicuous area of the gold piece and observe the reaction.

Testing on Inconspicuous Areas

It is important to choose an inconspicuous area for the acid test to minimize any visible damage to the gold piece. The ideal spot for testing is usually the inside of a gold ring or the back of a gold pendant. Apply a drop of acid to the chosen area and observe its reaction.

Reactive Behavior with Specific Acids

Different acids are used to test for different types of metals. For example, nitric acid is commonly used to test for gold because it does not react with real gold but reacts with base metals. If the acid causes a reaction, such as bubbling or discoloration, it suggests that the gold piece is plated and not made of solid gold. However, it is important to note that this method may not be completely reliable, as some gold plating may be resistant to certain acids.

Magnetic Properties

Gold’s Non-Magnetic Nature

Gold is a non-magnetic metal, which means it does not attract or repel magnetic fields. This property can be used as an indicator to determine if a gold piece is real or plated. Take a small magnet and hold it close to the gold piece. If the magnet is attracted to the gold or if the gold piece is attracted to the magnet, it suggests that the piece may be plated with a magnetic metal. However, if the gold does not exhibit any magnetic properties, it is likely made of real gold.

Response of Magnetic Slides

Another method to test the magnetic properties of a gold piece is by using magnetic slides. These slides contain a strong magnet that can attract and hold magnetic metals. Place the gold piece on top of the magnetic slide and observe its behavior. If the gold piece is attracted to the magnetic slide or if it sticks to it, it is an indication that the gold is not pure and may be plated with magnetic metals.

Hallmark Identification

Understanding Hallmarks

Hallmarks are markings or stamps that are commonly found on gold jewelry to indicate the purity or authenticity of the gold. They are often used by manufacturers or goldsmiths to certify the quality of their products. Hallmarks can provide valuable information about the gold piece, such as its karat purity, the manufacturer’s mark, or the country of origin. Understanding these markings can help determine if a gold piece is real gold or plated.

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Stamp Examination

To identify the hallmarks on a gold piece, you can use a jeweler’s loupe or a magnifying glass to closely examine the surface. Look for any markings or stamps that indicate the purity of the gold, such as “24K” for pure gold or “18K” for 18 karat gold. Additionally, check for any manufacturer’s marks, such as the name or logo of the jewelry maker. If the hallmarks are clear and match the expected purity of the gold, it is likely that the piece is made of real gold.

Hallmark Database Search

If you are unsure about the meaning or authenticity of the hallmarks on your gold piece, you can search for them in an online hallmark database. These databases provide comprehensive information about different hallmarks and their meanings. By comparing the hallmarks on your gold piece to those in the database, you can gain a better understanding of its authenticity.

X-Ray Fluorescence

Utilizing XRF Machines

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) is a non-destructive testing method that uses X-rays to analyze the elemental composition of a material. XRF machines are commonly used in various industries, including jewelry, to determine the purity of metals. By analyzing the X-ray fluorescence emitted from a gold piece, these machines can detect even trace amounts of other metals present in the composition.

Analysis of Elemental Composition

To perform an XRF test on a gold piece, you need to bring it to a jewelry store or a specialized testing facility that has an XRF machine. The gold piece will be placed in a special chamber, and X-rays will be directed towards it. The machine will then analyze the elemental composition of the gold, providing you with detailed information about its purity.

Discoloration and Allergic Reactions

Chemical Reactions with Skin

Gold is known for its inert nature, meaning it does not react with most substances. As a result, it is unlikely to cause any discoloration or allergic reactions when in contact with the skin. However, if you notice any discoloration or skin irritation after wearing a gold piece, it may indicate that the piece is plated or contains other metals that could cause a reaction.

Corrosion and Tarnishing

Real gold is highly resistant to corrosion and tarnishing. It maintains its luster and shine over time, even with regular wear. Plated gold, on the other hand, may start to corrode or tarnish, especially in areas where the gold layer is thin or worn off. If you notice any signs of corrosion, such as a greenish or blackish discoloration, it is a clear indication that the gold piece is plated.

Allergic Symptoms

Some people may have allergic reactions to certain metals used in gold plating, such as nickel or copper. If you experience symptoms such as itching, redness, or a rash after wearing a gold piece, it suggests that the piece may be plated or contains metals that you are allergic to. In such cases, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist or avoid wearing the piece altogether.

Professional Jewelry Appraisal

Seeking a Certified Appraiser

If you are still unsure about the authenticity of your gold piece, it is best to seek the services of a certified jewelry appraiser. A professional appraiser will have the expertise and equipment to accurately determine the purity and value of your gold piece. They can provide you with a detailed appraisal report that includes information about the gold’s authenticity, purity, and estimated value.

Importance of Certifications

When choosing a jewelry appraiser, it is important to look for certifications or credentials that demonstrate their expertise and reliability. The International Society of Appraisers (ISA) and the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) are two reputable organizations that offer certifications for jewelry appraisers. By choosing a certified appraiser, you can have confidence in the accuracy and professionalism of their evaluation.

Appraisal Methods

During a professional jewelry appraisal, the appraiser will use various testing methods, including acid tests, XRF analysis, and visual examinations, to determine the authenticity of the gold piece. They will also consider other factors, such as the weight, size, and craftsmanship of the piece, to provide an accurate appraisal. Once the appraisal is complete, you will receive a detailed report that outlines the findings, as well as an estimated value for your gold piece.

Diamond/CZ Testing

Examining with a Diamond Tester

If your gold piece features diamonds or cubic zirconia (CZ), it is important to ensure that these gemstones are also authentic. A diamond tester is a handheld device that can quickly and accurately determine if a gemstone is a diamond or a CZ. By testing each stone on the gold piece, you can verify their authenticity and determine if the gold piece is of high quality.

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Differentiating Between Gold and CZ

Cubic zirconia is a popular diamond alternative due to its affordability and similarity in appearance. However, it is not as durable or valuable as real diamonds. By using a diamond tester, you can easily differentiate between a diamond and a CZ. The diamond tester will emit a specific sound or light signal when it comes into contact with a diamond, while it will show no response when in contact with a CZ.

Purchase from Reliable Sources

Researching the Seller

One of the most effective ways to ensure that you are buying a genuine gold piece is to purchase it from a reliable and reputable seller. Before making a purchase, take the time to research the seller and gather information about their background, experience, and customer reviews. Look for sellers who have a long-standing reputation for selling genuine gold jewelry.

Evaluating Seller’s Reputation

In addition to researching the seller, it is important to evaluate their reputation within the jewelry industry. Look for any certifications or accreditations that the seller may have, such as membership in industry associations or positive reviews from previous customers. Transparency and trustworthiness are key indicators of a reliable seller.

Customer Reviews

Reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and authenticity of a seller’s gold jewelry. Look for reviews from customers who have purchased similar gold pieces and pay attention to any comments about the authenticity, durability, or value of the jewelry. Positive reviews from satisfied customers can give you confidence in the reliability of the seller.

Specific Gold Testing Kits

Gold Testing Acid

Gold testing acid, also known as gold acid testing solution, is a commonly used tool to determine the purity of gold. This acid is available in different concentrations, each designed to react with specific purity levels of gold. To perform a test, you need to apply a drop of the acid to an inconspicuous area of the gold piece and observe the reaction. The acid will cause the gold to change color or disappear, depending on its purity.

Electronic Gold Tester

An electronic gold tester is a handheld device that uses electrical conductivity to determine the purity of gold. This device measures the resistance of the gold piece to electricity and provides an instant reading of its purity. The electronic gold tester is a quick and reliable option for testing the authenticity of gold jewelry without the need for acid testing.

Gold Testing Stone

A gold testing stone, also known as a touchstone, is a flat slab made of a material that does not react with gold. When performing a gold testing stone test, you need to rub the gold piece against the stone to create a visible streak. Depending on the color and quality of the streak, you can determine the purity of the gold. This method requires some experience and knowledge but can be an effective way to test the authenticity of gold jewelry.

Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Wave Transmission

Ultrasonic testing is a non-destructive method that uses high-frequency sound waves to detect flaws or determine the internal structure of a material. This testing method is commonly used in various industries, including jewelry, to test the integrity and quality of metals. By transmitting ultrasonic waves through a gold piece, the tester can analyze its density, composition, and potential flaws.

Professional Ultrasonic Testing

To perform an ultrasonic test on a gold piece, you need to bring it to a professional jewelry store or a specialized testing facility. The gold piece will be placed in an ultrasonic testing chamber, and high-frequency sound waves will be transmitted through it. By analyzing the ultrasonic waves that bounce back, the tester can determine the quality and authenticity of the gold piece.

Expert Consultation

Contacting a Gold Specialist

If you are still unsure about the authenticity of your gold piece after examining its physical characteristics and performing various tests, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a gold specialist. A gold specialist can provide valuable insights and expertise based on their extensive knowledge and experience in the field. They can examine the gold piece and provide you with professional guidance.

Getting a Second Opinion

In some cases, it may be beneficial to get a second opinion from another gold specialist or appraiser. By having multiple experts examine the gold piece and provide their insights, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of its authenticity. A second opinion can help confirm or challenge the initial evaluation and provide you with added confidence in your decision.


Determining whether a gold piece is real gold or plated can be challenging, but it is not impossible. By examining the physical characteristics of the gold, performing different tests, and seeking professional guidance, you can make an informed decision about the authenticity and value of your gold piece. Remember to purchase from reliable sources, conduct thorough research, and consult with experts to ensure that you are making a wise investment. With the knowledge and information provided in this article, you can confidently navigate the world of gold jewelry and make informed decisions.